Check this out – found on the web:
Sydney Morning Herald, September 12, 2005
John Howard claims that the rise of China is good for the world.
The Sunday Times, September 10, 2005
Article by John McWhorter argues that Black poverty in America (illiustrated by the situation in New Orleans) is the result of 40 years of misguided welfare.
Found a new NZ sailing site on the net. Has some pretty good forums. Will definitely add it to my links page.
Uncommon Descent, September 9, 2005
Reported on Bill Dembski’s blog under the heading “Another Ritualistic Denunciation of ID
(It’s also currently located on the RSNZ website here, but it’s not clear to me that that’s a permanent location.)
Sydney Morning Herald, September 11, 2005
Human embryos have been created in Britain for the first time without using sperm.
Hopefully an indication of a broader trend towards more energy efficient vehicles for the future. Toyota and Honda have led the way so far, but if other major manufacturers head in this direction it can only improve the technology and lower the cost, and lead to less dependence on fossil fuels – which at the moment would be a very, very good thinkg for the world economy, not to mention the environment.
A new personal best for 6 miles: 1:01:30.
I am spurred on by the hope that one day I’ll be able to run this far without feeling so utterly exhausted.