General Update

Yes it’s been a little quiet here lately. The Olympic multihull issue continues to simmer. I’ve had an extensive dialog with Leslie Keller, the treasurer of US Sailing, Craig Leweck, the editor of, Peter Montgomery and Murray Deaker from Newstalkzb and Leslie Engot , the Olympic Operations Manager for Yachting NZ. What everyone seems to be missing is that the YNZ, US Sailing and others have violated ISAF regulations by voting for the Olympic events based on their own national interests, not based on the explicit criteria that the regulations stipulate. It’s a sad commentary on the intellectual and moral integrity of the world we live in.

In other news, I have made good progress on a new website for Full Life Chicago – It’s not complete yet, but coming along and it’s been a great learning exercise. Separately, I have proposed to develop a new website for NAMSA, the North American Multihulll Sailing Association – once my Full Life commitment is fulfulled. The Olympic multihull situation has motivated me to help resurrect that organization, which has been in a state of dormancy for several years. In the process of exploring the possibility of developing a new website for them I have discovered some nice tools that will allow me to develop the site locally on my own machine, rather than editing files on a remote server. I wish I had had this when I started the Full Life project.

Finally, I had an embarrassing experience this week – I was supposed to fly to Phoenix on Monday morning, but after working late Sunday night I slept through my alarm and ended up missing my flight! Fortunately I was able to get the cost of the flight credited back to Motorola, so the main loss was the fact that I was able to attend the Lab review in Phoenix.

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