Last Friday the weather was nice and the breeze gentle so I got up the nerve to take the boat out by myself. Photos below. Also, yesterday, my brother Jonathan and I had planned to take the boat down to Waiheke. We set off about 1pm, but just after getting the mainsail up we realized that the dinghy we have been towing had disappeared. Doh! We took the sail down and motored back, did a walk around alonf the foreshore, spoke to a bunch of people, including the coastguard and the marina office, but no sign of it. That put paid to our plans to go to Waiheke, but we did head back out for a good sail in about 20 knots. We got around north head and a little way east and then turned for home. I’ve included a few photos below of Jonathan on the helm. A good late afternoon sail, and then dinner at Sawadees Thai restaurant in the evening.
Motoring out of the marina for the first time on my own.
Under sail.
Mt Victoria (this is where I took the banner photo at the top of the webpage from a couple of years ago).
North Head
Looking back at the city
Bean Rock Lighthouse (the same one seen in the banner photo above)
Looking back at the city from further out past Bean Rock
Heading towards Browns Island.
A huge yacht out on the harbour.
Sail down, motoring back to the marina.
Sailing on Monday; Jonathan on the helm, downwind in 15-20 knots!