Dave came over Friday night and again Saturday to help me put the boat together – thanks Dave! Getting the beams on proved to be a bit of a headache. Initially it seemed like the bolts were just too short to take the nuts. A couple of calls to Matt McDonald gave as some assurance that we had the right hardware and that we just had to make sure we got everything aligned correctly. I bought some longer bolts (though I could locate any stainless, so this was just a temporary measure) to help us pull everything into alignment. That definitely helped. Eventually we managed to get the nuts on all eight bolts and cranked everything down tight. Then we put the tramp on. Blue – nice.
I also discovered on Saturday morning that there were no spreaders in any of the boxes. I made a call to Matt who said he would try to find a way to get a set to me. Not easy on a weekend. I didn’t want to try putting the mast up without the diamond stays, so we’re pretty much at a standstill for now.