Sunday morning

I spent some time yesterday (actually more than I should have given the other things I need to get done this weekend) tweaking the design of the website. The colours are starting to look a little more coordinated now and the page headings are a bit easier to see. However there are still plenty of other things that I want to fix.

I have put an RSS syndication link on the Welcome page, as well as a subscription widget to enable people to request site updates by email. The subscription is managed by a service called R|mail. However, I have tried testing it with my own email address and have yet to see any evidence that it actually works. We’ll see. It’s certainly a nice idea.

In the process of debugging the site layout, I also discovered (to my dismay) that the pages don’t render properly with Internet Explorer. The layout is all goofed up. I’m afraid that other people who might have looked at the site may have been using IE and getting a totally distorted view of what it is supposed to look like. So I’m going to have to fix that asap.

This morning I have added some further notes on Philippians Chapter 1 in the Reflections section. It’s been a week or so since I’ve spent any time in the scripture, so this was very overdue. In general, my consistency in studying the Bible has been pretty poor lately, and putting my notes on the website is partly an attempt to encourage myself to be more regular in meditating on the scripture. Hopefully things will pick up there.

I have a tremendous amount to do today. I’m a little anxious about everything that I have coming up this week, so hopefully I can make some headway today on getting ready for all of that.

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