The Sydney Morning Herald ran several articles last week about a man deported from Australia to Serbia who had lived in Australia since he was two and who had never before set foot in Serbia. His parents were Serbian, but he was born in France, and he was deported from Australia on account of his criminal record there. He has no citizenship in Serbia or France and no means of support and is living on the street in sub-zero wiinter temperatures.
This situation seems to reflect a phenomenal lack of human compassion on the part of the Australian government, and an attitude that is very much reminiscent of that evident in their treatment of asylum seekers. Their actions are unquestionably within the law, yet display a harshness of spirit that I find terribly sad. Deporting someone who has come to Australia as an adult would be perfectly reasonable. But this man knows no home other than Australia, and his family are in Australia. He has already served time in prison for his criminal activities. IMO, deporting him is completely out of proportion to his crimes, given that he has already paid for those what any Australian citizen would pay.
Stories describing the man’s plight and background
SMH, Novmber 24
SMH, November 24
SMH, November 25
Stories reporting Phillip Ruddock’s defence of the government’s actions
SMH, November 25
SMH, November 25
Commentary critical of the Government
SMH, November 25